Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to Give an Erotic Foot Massage

 - Feet massaging technique

The foot is one of the least appreciated but most highly sensitive part on your partner's body. It also sees the most abuse. How often do you wish someone would rub your feet after a long day? Giving your lover's feet some attention is a nurturing and naturally erotic thing to do.
I'll be describing one way to give an erotic foot massage, but there are many more ways to give a good rub. Many of the techniques I describe are used by professional massage therapists, only here the right emphasis makes them both relaxing and erotic.
Begin by getting your partner comfortable. Sit on the floor with them in their favorite chair, or on the couch or bed with a pillow placed under their knees. Taking your time is one of the most important things in giving a good foot massage. A fast foot rub feels forced and anything but erotic. Start with warmed oil or lotion spread evenly in your palms (a few seconds in the microwave works), not directly on their skin, and focus on one foot at a time. Stroke your hands forward from the ankle and over the tops of her feet, letting your thumbs curve underneath to hug the balls (part closest to her toes).
The instep is a particularly ticklish and sensitive part of the foot, and where many people feel the most muscle tension. Stroke upwards here with alternating thumbs, while still cupping the rest of his foot with your hands. Take note of the folds of your partners sole, and trace them with your fingertips. A very light touch can feel ticklish, so alternate that with a deeper rub. Using your palms to rub the foot's insteps in circular motions is also good for tension release. If you lover isn't too ticklish, separate his toes with your fingers as if you were clasping hands. A rocking, sliding motion between the toes feels very intimate. After that, gently pull up on each toe with a ringing, twisting stroke, beginning with the smallest and working your way up to the big toe. Stroking upward along the big toe with it nestled between your thumb and index finger is a move that can send your partner into orbit.
Repeat these techniques on your lover's other foot and finish by rubbing your entire hands upwards against their feet. Your lover's feet should be completely relaxed and their senses aroused. Further massage play can involve using edible oil or warming oil. Once you and your lover are comfortable making the feet an erotic part of play there are many options to explore.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Deep Tissue Massage Relieves Muscle Pain

 Getting to the Bottom of Things

To understand this type of massage, it is first important to have a more thorough understanding of your body. If you have been injured at some point in the past, or even if you typically hold a certain part of your body very tensely, you'll find that bands of rigid tissue will form.
These bands of tissue are known as adhesions and they are very inflexible.
Because they do not bend with the rest of your muscles, tendons or ligaments, they can be very difficult to work around, and you'll find that you will experience limited movement, some pain and some problems with circulation if they are allowed to exist.
In extreme cases, they can even create inflammation.

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage is essential massage therapy that will get right to the heart of things! Essentially, the pressure that is applied during deep tissue massage will cut straight through to the deeper layers of muscle and tissue.
Not only will the massage be more thorough, it will also hit a level of the body where more chronic aches and cramps live.
Many people try swedish massage therapy in the hopes that it will affect things like a tightness in the lower back, or a constant pinched feeling in the neck, but find that they don't have any luck until they try deep tissue massage.
This is because of the fact that deep tissue massage will penetrate to a level where these aches actually are.

What to Expect from Deep Tissue Massage

If you are looking to try a session of deep massage therapy, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. The first is that the strokes and movements that are used in other forms of massage therapy are repeated here, but the pressure is a great deal more concentrated and the movements will be a great deal slower as well.
Deep Tissue MassageYou'll find that this pressure might be uncomfortable at first, but many people will quickly adjust.
Other people find that they need to ask the massage therapist to ease up a little, which is perfectly appropriate due to the fact that everyone has a different amount of tolerance for pain and pressure.
You'll find that in deep tissue massage, your massage therapist will apply pressure or friction across the grain of the muscles.
This essentially breaks down what adhesions have formed and you'll find that after a deep tissue massage, you'll feel a great deal more loosened up.
You may even feel warmer, due to the fact that adhesions can restrict circulation and deep tissue massage will restore it.
During this process, some pain may be experienced, but make sure to let your massage therapist know what you are feeling.
When you go in for your appointment, make sure that your therapist has a thorough idea of your medical history, whether you suffer from chronic pain in a specific area, or you have been injured before.
It is very important that any medical conditions that you have are made known to whoever is treating you.
Not only can this save you undue pain by having them take some care around a sore spot, it will also tell them what areas they should work on and where their work will be most appreciated.

Different Sports Massage Techniques

Although sports massage might seem like a modern benefit for high-priced athletes it's actually a therapy that's been practiced for centuries and, in fact, the ancient Spartans used massage techniques to optimize the effectiveness of their warriors over 2500 years ago. In effect, some of the massage techniques used back then are still used to this day as many of the basic movements are common across all styles of massage.

One type of massage called Effleurage is usually applied with a flat palm and utilizes the fingers and palm to make a long gliding stroke of medium pressure. This is a common technique used on sports figures as well as average people. Using this technique, the masseur works the muscles by gliding firmly over them in one direction and then using a different path in the other direction. The hands follow the natural contours of the part of the body that is being worked on.

The style of massage uses increasing pressure to relax tense muscles and encourage blood flow. The skin and muscles are warmed by the massage itself and when the blood flow opens up, the muscles can get more oxygen and nutrients as well as be able to get rid of toxins more easily. This creates an overall healthful effect for the athlete.

Petrissage is the type of massage you want if you have a knot or muscle pain in one particular area and is effective as a sports massage therapy. This technique uses a more focused kneading action of the fingertips and thumb and works the deeper muscle tissue. It's better for the larger muscle groups like the thigh and the back but can work on smaller groups such as the neck and shoulders as well. As the knotted muscles are worked blood flow to the muscle is restored as well as the flow of lymphatic fluid. The masseur uses the thumb and forefinger is to find trigger points and knotted muscles that they can work on. Repeated rubbing over that spot will help the muscle release the knot and can be quite satisfying.

These massage techniques need to bechanged according to the person they are being performed on. Not only are the individuals all different from one another, but the sports themselves use the muscles differently and so different injuries and stresses can happen. Some techniques that can be used with good results on one athlete may not have good results on the next.

As we all know, most athletes can push themselves too hard and many of them can benefit from a good sports massage which will help relax them and heal the muscles. In addition, some of the techniques like shiatsu massage can work on the joints and tendons that may be damaged by excessive sports.