Friday, June 22, 2012

Chair Massage

It is a method of muscle manipulation, pressure point therapy and energy balancing applied to specific points throughout the body while the client is comfortably seated in a chair specifically designed for this purpose.

What makes chair massage different from other more familiar table-based massage techniques?

  • The session is performed at your location so no time is lost in transit.
  • Chair Massage is un-intrusive. During the session the client is positioned fully clothed (no disrobing is required) and comfortably seated in a massage chair. 
  • No oil or cream is used during the session.
  • In just 10 - 20 minutes, you can experience complete relaxation through the release of stress and tension. 
  • Special attention is focused on the 7 most common high stress areas including the scalp, neck, shoulders, back, arms, hands and fingers. 
  • You can return to work immediately.

On-Site Chair massage can provide a relaxing and therapeutic experience for your staff and clientele in many ways including:

  • Alleviate stress, tension, pain, stiffness, and mental fatigue
  • Relieve aching muscles 
  • Sooth nerves and boost morale
  • Increase mental clarity
    Renew ability to concentrate
  • Heighten productivity
  • Enhance creativity, energy, and focus
  • Heighten sense of value and appreciation
  • Elevate levels of natural "feel-good" endorphins

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